An Idea

Daniel Meltzer
1 min readSep 25, 2021
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

When someone comes to the drawing board and decides to form his own creation, one might ask how does he do so?

It appears to me that as if ideas are somewhat like a big-bang, they don’t come to life just because we want them to. An idea never comes when someone expects it, not even one man can expect to have an idea in 10 minutes from now.

To me that means we can only increase our chances of having ideas, either by increasing creativity or by storing and refining the ideas that come up to our minds.

Ideas can be good, or bad, but maybe we can’t tell if an idea is bad or good? How can we measure it? The only thing we can do is guess that an idea would be a failure or a success, even under perfect execution.

The only way then to really create something meaningful is by trying to stretch a though that comes up to your mind for one more second and try find what gives you the best thrill, this idea might be worth looking into, but you can’t do that unless you write it down.

